Mirjam Wenzel (opening lecture)

Mirjam Wenzelis a literature and media scholar and has been director of the Jüdisches Museum, Frankfurt a. M.- the oldest Jewish museum in Germany - since 2016. She is currently a visiting professor at Bauhaus University Weimar and, since 2019, also an adjunct professor of Jewish Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.

Mirjam Wenzel studied general and comparative literature, political science and theater studies in Berlin and Tel Aviv. Wenzel›s thematic focuses include German-Jewish art and cultural history, the representation of the Holocaust in visual art, photography, and film, and critical theory-particularly with works on Siegfried Kracauer, Theodor W. Adorno, and Hannah Arendt. From 2007 to 2015, she was head of the media department at the  Jüdisches Museum Berlin and conceived the digital and print media mediation of Jewish history and culture.

Mirjam Wenzel is an expert in digital transformation processes of museums and also curates exhibitions internationally. She stands for a digital transformation in the museum sector that seeks design possibilities for an open, intergenerational access to knowledge and (hi)storys and a communicative exchange and participation. In this sense, the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt a. M., under Wenzel‹s direction, has been able to enable pandemic-compliant ›visits‹ through digital offerings in recent years as well.